Arrakeen's flight stats
last update: 8. January 2025
in kilometers |
2'781'522 |
in miles |
1'728'358 |
flights around the world |
69,41 x |
flights to the moon |
7,236 x |
flights to the sun |
x |
hours |
3698:54 |
days |
154,1 |
weeks |
22,0 |
months |
5,14 |
years |
0,422 |
total number of
flights |
1217 |
different airports |
355 |
different airlines |
179 |
different routes |
918 |
different countries |
103 |

longest flight: |
11.516 km, 13:18 h, Buenos Aires
(EZE) -
Frankfurt (FRA), 2001 |
shortest flight: |
117 km, 0:38 h, Taipei (TSA) -
Hualien (HUN), 2000 |
flight average: |
2.286 km, 3:02 h |